
Our team of professionals consists of Architects, Planners and Interior Designers who have joined our practice with exemplary qualifications from leading institutions and organisations. We at Intrinsic Architecture are always interested in meeting talented, enthusiastic and ambitious aspiring professionals with whom we can partner with to develop the capacity at the practice.

Our company structure encourages the career development and career progression of every member at every stage while offering a mentoring scheme to guide the young professionals. We support and enable architects taking their BORAQS exam by providing them with projects as case studies and guidance. At Intrinsic Architecture, our dynamic internship programme offers students an opportunity to learn while continuing their studies by engaging them in live projects so as to provide them practical experience.

Our office culture encourages an open door policy to ensure effective communication amongst the staff while we strive to add richness to the office work environment so as to encourage creativity and productivity.

Where additional expertise is required, the company draws on the staff resources from qualified consultants and associating with other firms through joint ventures.